你好,请问在user guide: sprugv6_VCP2的 2.7.1 Branch Metrics Calculations的推导过程是怎样的呢?非常感谢!
Rate 1/3: there are 4 branch metrics per symbol period
– BM0(t) = r0(t) + r1(t) + r2(t)
– BM1(t) = r0(t) + r1(t) - r2(t)
– BM2(t) = r0(t) - r1(t) + r2(t)
– BM3(t) = r0(t) - r1(t) - r2(t)
where r(t) is the received codeword (3 symbols, r 0(t) is the symbol corresponding to the encoder upper branch, see Figure 2-5).