dm368 (omap l138)
使用dvsdk的demo没有使用 passthrough,而是进行编解码动作。打印信息如下:
ti/dvsdk-demos# DMAI_DEBUG=2 ./encodedecode -y 2 -I 1
-k 1
Encodedecode demo started.
@0x00045d14:[T:0x4001f040] ti.sdo.dmai - [Dmai] Dmai log level set to '2'. Note that calling CERuntime_init after this point may cause unexpected change to DMAI tracing behavior.
@0x0004969d:[T:0x4001f040] ti.sdo.dmai - [Display] Found width=720 height=576, yres_virtual=576,xres_virtual=720, line_length=384
@0x000497c3:[T:0x4001f040] ti.sdo.dmai - [Display] Setting width=720 height=576, yres_virtual=576, xres_virtual=720
@0x00049882:[T:0x4001f040] ti.sdo.dmai - [Display] New width=720, height=576, yres_virtual=576,xres_virtual=720, line_length=384
@0x0004995f:[T:0x4001f040] ti.sdo.dmai - [BufTab] Allocating BufTab for 1 buffers
@0x00049aad:[T:0x4001f040] ti.sdo.dmai - [Buffedavinci_resizer davinci_resizer.2: RSZ_G_CONFIG:0:1:124
r] Set user poindavinci_previewer davinci_previewer.2: ipipe_set_preview_config
ter 0x40309000 (vpfe-capture vpfe-capture: IPIPE Chained
physical 0x82600vpfe-capture vpfe-capture: Resizer present
@0x00049f6EVM: switch to tvp5146 SD video input
f:[T:0x4001f040] ti.sdo.dmai - [chip id detected m***:0x47 l***:0x46
Display] Displaytvp514x 1-005d: tvp5146 (Version - 0x07) found at 0xba (DaVinci I2C adapter)
buffer 0 mapped to 0x40309000 has physical address 0xb1d8
@0x00053d46:[T:0x4133e490] ti.sdo.dmai - [BufTab] Allocating BufTab for 3 buffers
@0x00053edf:[T:0x4133e490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Buffer] Alloc Buffer of size 635904 at 0x4133f000 (0x83c00000 phys)
@0x000540d2:[T:0x4133e490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Buffer] Alloc Buffer of size 635904 at 0x413db000 (0x83c9c000 phys)
@0x00054289:[T:0x4133e490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Buffer] Alloc Buffer of size 635904 at 0x41477000 (0x83d38000 phys)
@0x0005444c:[T:0x4133e490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Resize] Successfully set mode to continuous in resizer
@0x00055bbb:[T:0x4133e490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Resize] Resizer initialized
@0x00055cf6:[T:0x4133e490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Resize] Operating mode changed successfully to continuous in previewer
@0x0005776a:[T:0x4133e490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Resize] Previewer initialized
@0x0005a01c:[T:0x4133e490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Capture] Composite input selected
@0x0007c85b:[T:0x41d12490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Vdec2] Video decoder instance created
@0x0007ca20:[T:0x41d12490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Vdec2] Made XDM_SETPARAMS control call
@0x0007cb1b:[T:0x41d12490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Vdec2] Made XDM_GETBUFINFO control call
@0x0007cce6:[T:0x41d12490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Buffer] Alloc Buffer of size 1024000 at 0x4208a000 (0x83f38000 phys)
@0x0007cdb3:[T:0x41d12490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Venc1] Creating encoder mpeg4enc for max 736x576 bitrate 0 ratectrl 4
@0x00095747:[T:0x41d12490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Venc1] Setting dynParams size 736x576 bitrate 0
@0x0009594e:[T:0x41d12490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Venc1] Made XDM_SETPARAMS control call
@0x00095a62:[T:0x41d12490] ti.sdo.dmai - [BufTab] Allocating BufTab for 11 buffers
@0x00095c40:[T:0x41d12490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Buffer] Alloc Buffer of size 635904 at 0x42341000 (0x841ee000 phys)
@0x00095e53:[T:0x41d12490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Buffer] Alloc Buffer of size 635904 at 0x423dd000 (0x8428a000 phys)
@0x0009602f:[T:0x41d12490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Buffer] Alloc Buffer of size 635904 at 0x42479000 (0x84326000 phys)
@0x0009620a:[T:0x41d12490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Buffer] Alloc Buffer of size 635904 at 0x42515000 (0x843c2000 phys)
@0x0009642d:[T:0x41d12490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Buffer] Alloc Buffer of size 635904 at 0x425b1000 (0x8445e000 phys)
@0x0009660c:[T:0x41d12490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Buffer] Alloc Buffer of size 635904 at 0x4264d000 (0x844fa000 phys)
@0x0009680d:[T:0x41d12490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Buffer] Alloc Buffer of size 635904 at 0x426e9000 (0x84596000 phys)
@0x00096a05:[T:0x41d12490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Buffer] Alloc Buffer of size 635904 at 0x42785000 (0x84632000 phys)
@0x00096be1:[T:0x41d12490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Buffer] Alloc Buffer of size 635904 at 0x42821000 (0x846ce000 phys)
@0x00096de3:[T:0x41d12490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Buffer] Alloc Buffer of size 635904 at 0x428bd000 (0x8476a000 phys)
@0x0009704b:[T:0x41d12490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Buffer] Alloc Buffer of size 635904 at 0x42959000 (0x84806000 phys)
@0x00097116:[T:0x41d12490] ti.sdo.dmai - [BufTab] Allocating BufTab for 7 buffers
@0x0009733a:[T:0x41d12490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Buffer] Alloc Buffer of size 700416 at 0x429f5000 (0x848a2000 phys)
@0x00097519:[T:0x41d12490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Buffer] Alloc Buffer of size 700416 at 0x42aa0000 (0x8494d000 phys)
@0x0009771f:[T:0x41d12490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Buffer] Alloc Buffer of size 700416 at 0x42b4b000 (0x849f8000 phys)
@0x00097937:[T:0x41d12490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Buffer] Alloc Buffer of size 700416 at 0x42bf6000 (0x84aa3000 phys)
@0x00097b13:[T:0x41d12490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Buffer] Alloc Buffer of size 700416 at 0x42ca1000 (0x84b4e000 phys)
@0x00097cf0:[T:0x41d12490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Buffer] Alloc Buffer of size 700416 at 0x42d4c000 (0x84bf9000 phys)
@0x00097f0d:[T:0x41d12490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Buffer] Alloc Buffer of size 700416 at 0x42df7000 (0x84ca4000 phys)
@0x000fdb04:[T:0vpfe-capture vpfe-capture: width = 736, height = 576, bpp = 1
x4133e490] ti.sdvpfe-capture vpfe-capture: adjusted width = 736, height = 576, bpp = 1, bytesperline = 736, sizeimage = 635904
o.dmai - [Capturvpfe-capture vpfe-capture: width = 736, height = 576, bpp = 1
e] Setting videovpfe-capture vpfe-capture: adjusted width = 736, height = 576, bpp = 1, bytesperline = 736, sizeimage = 635904
standard to: 6
@0x000fdcb3:[T:0x4133e490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Capture] Capture input set to Composite:6
@0x000fdd5d:[T:0x4133e490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Capture] Forcing user specified video standard
@0x000fdddb:[T:0x4133e490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Capture] Capture dimention is set to 736x576
@0x00106941:[T:0x4133e490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Capture] Video input connected size 736x576 pitch 736
Command [ 'help' for usage ] > @0x00131278:[T:0x41d12490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Venc1] VIDENC1_process() ret 0 inId 0 outID 1 generated 24539 bytes
@0x001358aa:[T:0x41d12490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Vdec2] VIDDEC2_process() ret 0 inId 0 inUse 0 consumed 24539
@0x0013b03e:[T:0x41d12490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Venc1] VIDENC1_process() ret 0 inId 1 outID 2 generated 3391 bytes
@0x0013da47:[T:0x41d12490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Vdec2] VIDDEC2_process() ret 0 inId 1 inUse 0 consumed 3391
@0x0015d28e:[T:0x41d12490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Venc1] VIDENC1_process() ret 0 inId 2 outID 3 generated 2692 bytes
@0x0015fb82:[T:0x41d12490] ti.sdo.dmai - [Vdec2] VIDDEC2_process() ret 0 inId 2 inUse 0 consumed 2692
ARMLoad: 34% Video fps: 0 fps Video bit rate: 204 kbps Time: 00:00:01 Demo: Encode Decode Display: D1 PAL Video Codec: MPEG4 SP Video Resolution: 736x576
ARM Load: 0% Video fps: 0 fps Video bit rate: 0 kbps Time: 00:00:02 Demo: Encode Decode Display: D1 PAL Video Codec: MPEG4 SP Video Resolution: 736x576
ARM Load: 0% Video fps: 0 fps Video bit rate: 0 kbps Time: 00:00:03 Demo: Encode Decode Display: D1 PAL Video Codec: MPEG4 SP Video Resolution: 736x576
ARM Load: 0% Video fps: 0 fps Video bit rate: 0 kbps Time: 00:00:04 Demo: Encode Decode Display: D1 PAL Video Codec: MPEG4 SP Video Resolution: 736x576
ARM Load: 0% Video fps: 0 fps Video bit rate: 0 kbps Time: 00:00:06 Demo: Encode Decode Display: D1 PAL Video Codec: MPEG4 SP Video Resolution: 736x576
ARM Load: 0% Video fps: 0 fps Video bit rate: 0 kbps Time: 00:00:07 Demo: Encode Decode Display: D1 PAL Video Codec: MPEG4 SP Video Resolution: 736x576
ARM Load: 0% Video fps: 0 fps Video bit rate: 0 kbps Time: 00:00:08 Demo: Encode Decode Display: D1 PAL Video Codec: MPEG4 SP Video Resolution: 736x576
ARM Load: 0% Video fps: 0 fps Video bit rate: 0 kbps Time: 00:00:09 Demo: Encode Decode Display: D1 PAL Video Codec: MPEG4 SP Video Resolution: 736x576
SARM Load: 0% Video fps: 0 fps Video bit rate: 0 kbps Time: 00:00:10 Demo: Encode Decode Display: D1 PAL Video Codec: MPEG4 SP Video Resolution: 736x576
Unknown command: [ STOP ]
Command [ 'help' for usage ] > ARM Load: 0% Video fps: 0 fps Video bit rate: 0 kbps Time: 00:00:12 Demo: Encode Decode Display: D1 PAL Video Codec: MPEG4 SP Video Resolution: 736x576
sdARM Load: 0% Video fps: 0 fps Video bit rate: 0 kbps Time: 00:00:13 Demo: Encode Decode Display: D1 PAL Video Codec: MPEG4 SP Video Resolution: 736x576
ARM Load: 0% Video fps: 0 fps Video bit rate: 0 kbps Time: 00:00:14 Demo: Encode Decode Display: D1 PAL Video Codec: MPEG4 SP Video Resolution: 736x576
Unknown command: [ sdtop ]
Command [ 'help' for usage ] > ARM Load: 0% Video fps: 0 fps Video bit rate: 0 kbps Time: 00:00:15 Demo: Encode Decode Display: D1 PAL Video Codec: MPEG4 SP Video Resolution: 736x576
ARM Load: 0% Video fps: 0 fps Video bit rate: 0 kbps Time: 00:00:16 Demo: Encode Decode Display: D1 PAL Video Codec: MPEG4 SP Video Resolution: 736x576
helARM Load: 0% Video fps: 0 fps Video bit rate: 0 kbps Time: 00:00:18 Demo: Encode Decode Display: D1 PAL Video Codec: MPEG4 SP Video Resolution: 736x576
Available commands:
play - Play / record video and sound
pause - Pause video and sound
stop - Quit demo
inc - Increase OSD visibility
dec - Decrease OSD visibility
hide - Show / hide the OSD
help - Show this help screen
Command [ 'help' for usage ] > ARM Load: 0% Video fps: 0 fps Video bit rate: 0 kbps Time: 00:00:19 Demo: Encode Decode Display: D1 PAL Video Codec: MPEG4 SP Video Resolution: 736x576
ARM Load: 0% Video fps: 0 fps Video bit rate: 0 kbps Time: 00:00:20 Demo: Encode Decode Display: D1 PAL Video Codec: MPEG4 SP Video Resolution: 736x576
tvp514x 1-005d: Write: retry ... 0
tvp514x 1-005d: Write: retry ... 1
tvp514x 1-005d: Write: retry ... 2
tvp514x 1-005d: Write: retry ... 3
tvp514x 1-005d: Write: retry ... 4
tvp514x 1-005d: Write: retry ... 5
tvp514x 1-005d: Unable to turn off decoder
vpfe-capture vpfe-capture: stream off failed in subdev
studying & working!