我刚刚完成了所有的运行。最后使用MLA USB和CDC演示项目为Explorer 1632,这是在同一处理器家族。首先,我在探险家那里跑了出来。然后我开始了一个新的项目,复制了源文件,建立了它,让演示在我的板上运行。我必须改变LED和按钮(Button)的分配,但是其他的工作都很好。在我的板上有一组USB文件,然后我把它们复制到我的项目中。配置有一些问题:我原来的MCC配置和MLA演示配置都在那里——链接器找到了重复的地址。然后它建立了OK但没有运行。我有时钟问题:尽管已经配置了我的项目中的时钟(使用MCC)获得USB兼容的时钟设置,尽管MCC USB盒显示为检查和96兆赫的USB时钟存在,USB将不运行。我必须改变我的时钟设置,重新计算我的定时器常数,回到我所需要的其他时间。我期待中断问题,但我没有任何。USB堆栈工作良好,做我所需要的,是健全的-你可以拉动USB插头,并随时更换它和康涅狄格州。右后卫。有USB活动的LED是一个明确加上在你的项目之一。我可以在我的板上使用一个备用的LED。小问题:如果你使用一个USB端口上的TARA术语来和你的项目交谈,一个USB皮卡3在同一台电脑上进行编程和调试,两个USB驱动程序可能会发生冲突和干扰。不是100%,而是够烦人的。可以使调试有点棘手。可能这两个USB设备都是微芯片的事实是一个根本原因。非常感谢FAE米迦勒CRAY提供有用的建议、建议和鼓励。我期待着在BC上面引用的MCC内尝试USB框架Lite V1.26CDC示例。
I just finished getting it all up and running. Ended up using MLA USB and a CDC demo project for Explorer 1632 which was on the same processor family. First I got it running 'out of the box' on the Explorer. I then started a new project, copied over the source files, built it, and had the demo running on my board. I had to change the LED and switch (button) assignments but otherwise it all worked well.
With a set of USB files that worked on my board, I then copied them into my project. There were some problems with configuration: both my original MCC config and the MLA demo config were there - Symptom was linker found duplicate addresses. Then it built OK but didn't run. I had clock issues: despite having configured the clock in my project (using MCC) to get a USB compatible clock set-up, and despite the MCC USB box showing as checked and a 96 MHz USB clock present, USB would not run. I had to change my clock setup and recalculate my timer constants to get back to the same periods I needed elsewhere.
I was expecting interrupt issues, but I didn't have any.
The USB stack works well, does what I needed, and is robust - you can pull the USB plug and replace it at any time and it connects right back up. Having a USB activity LED is a definite plus - put one in your project. I was able to use a spare LED on my board.
Small issue: if you're using Tera Term on a USB port to talk to your project, and a USB PICKit 3 for program and debug on the same PC as I was the two USB drivers can conflict and interfere. Not 100% but enough to be annoying. Can make debugging a bit tricky. Possibly the fact that both USB devices are Microchip is a root cause.
Many thanks are due to FAE Michael Cray for helpful suggestions, advice and encouragement.
I'm looking forward to making time to try the USB Framework Lite v1.26 CDC example within MCC referenced by 'beans' above.