我们希望通过Citrix为用户提供远程访问,因此将在用户的机柜机器上安装VDA + HDX 3d PRO。
我们的大多数机器都配有NVIDIA k2200,k2000或NVS 310.Ks和NVS之间存在很大差异。
您是否会在所有卡上安装带有HDX 3D Pro的VDA,还是应该在NVS上安装常规VDA?
如果您有使用Remote PC + HDX 3d pro的经验,请查看P1000和P2000,但需要您的建议,请分享任何链接
We want to provide our users with Remote Access via Citrix so will be installing the VDA + HDX 3d PRO on user's cubicle machines. Most of our machines have NVIDIA k2200, k2000 or NVS 310. There is a big difference between the Ks and the NVS. Would you install VDA with HDX 3D Pro on all cards or should I install regular VDA on NVS? Also looking at the P1000 and P2000 but wanted your advice if you have experience with Remote PC + HDX 3d pro and please share any links
what you are doing has nothing to do with virtual GPU. This is just a Citrix remoting on a physical workstation. For sure there is a big difference between Quadro and NVS.
BTW there is no HDX3D Pro installer any more in the latest VDAs from Citrix so not sure which response you are expecting. The question is more or less what you want to achieve and which applications you are running so you should use the one or the other remoting protocol.
Without having more details you won't get a useful response.