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嗨,我想有一个30兆字节的USB数据传输使用CyPress FX2LP,并同时绘制它的图表与QT。我发现了一个覆盖30兆字节传输的策略:每次读取1兆字节的数据并绘制它。但这个策略的问题是,在舷侧,我应该缓冲1兆字节的数据,我没有这样的内存。
有没有更好的主意? 谢谢 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi,i want to have a 30-Mbyte USB data transfer using cypress FX2LP and Simultaneously plot it's diagram with qt. i find a strategy that cover this 30-Mbyte transfer: reading 1-Mbyte data each time and plotting it. but the problem of this stratgy is that on Board side, i should Buffer 1-Mbyte data and i haven't such a memory. has any one a better idea? Thanks |
亲切地,考虑使用流线型应用程序,它可以用于将数据流到主机PC。在这个线程中附加了流应用程序的修改版本。此应用程序可以将数据保存到磁盘上的文件上。请告诉我们这是否适合你的申请。 加密文件的密码:柏树 最好的问候, 斯里纳斯 RAR 225.9 K 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hello Javad, Kindly, consider using the streamer application which can be used to stream data into the host PC. A modified version of the streamer application is attached in this thread. This application has the option to save data onto a file on the disk. Kindly, let us know if this could suit your application. Password for the encrypted file: cypress Best regards, Srinath S
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