FPGA能够将新的配置数据写入其SPI FLASH PROM,我想通过分享我花了最长时间的一些技巧来节省人们所经历的一些痛苦
我正在使用带有Numonyx SPI FLASH(M25PX16)的Spartan 6 FPGA。
在使用Page Program或双输入快速编程指令写入数据之前,必须执行擦除操作,将目标区域中的所有位设置为1。
请记住,任何更改FLASH数据的指令都需要先写入Write Enable指令。
这只发生在我使用FPGA将数据写入FLASH时 - 如果我使用Impact来编程FLASH,那么当我重新上电时它工作得很好。
我检查了块保护(状态寄存器中的TB,BP2,BP1和BP0)并将其清零 - Impact没有锁定数据。
我最终将Block Protect设置为锁定我写入后使用的FLASH区域中的数据,这使得FLASH在重启后不会覆盖第一页。
我仍然不知道是什么导致它首先发生,或者我做的与Impact不同,但使用Block Protect似乎已经修复了它。
锁定数据的方法有三种 - 块保护,锁定寄存器和硬件保护。块保护:锁定内存的大部分内容。
锁存寄存器有时在数据表中称为软件保护模式1(SPM1)。硬件保护:当FLASH上的W / Vpp引脚被驱动为0并且状态寄存器写禁止(SRWD)时,硬件保护模式被使能
请注意,如果W / Vpp引脚驱动为低电平,状态寄存器中的SRWD位不执行任何操作。
任何修改FLASH存储器或其寄存器内容的指令都必须先写入Write Enable。
写使能指令将状态寄存器的写使能锁存(WEL)位设置为1. WEL位由任何需要它的指令清零,因此需要在执行另一条需要的指令之前再次使用另一条WREN指令进行设置。
I've just been through hell trying to get an FPGA to be able to write new configura
tion data to its SPI FLASH PROM, and I want to save people some of the pain I went through by sharing a couple of the tricks it took me longest to figure out.
I'm using a Spartan 6 FPGA with a Numonyx SPI FLASH (M25PX16). In my application, we want to update the firmware over Ethernet. The FPGA gets an .mcs file over Ethernet and writes it to the FLASH using SPI, then resets to load the new firmware.
One thing that isn't mentioned in the FLASH documentation is that you can only change 1's to 0's when writing data. You have to perform an erase, which sets all the bits in the targeted area to 1's, before writing data using a Page Program or Dual Input Fast Program instruction. Keep in mind that any instruction that changes FLASH data requires a Write Enable instruction first.
I encountered some really odd behavior where the FLASH would overwrite the first page of data with mostly zeroes when I power cycled it. This only happened when I had written the data to the FLASH using the FPGA - if I used Impact to program the FLASH, it worked just fine when I power cycled. I read back the data in the FLASH after programming with Impact, and it seemed to be identical to the data I wrote in with the FPGA. I checked the Block Protect (TB, BP2, BP1, and BP0 in the Status Register) and it was zeroed out - Impact hadn't locked down the data that way. I eventually set the Block Protect to lock down the data in the area of the FLASH I was using after I'd written to it, and that kept the FLASH from overwriting the first page after power cycling. I still have no idea what caused it to happen in the first place, or what I was doing differently from Impact, but using Block Protect seems to have fixed it. If anyone knows more about this one, I'd love to hear about it.
If you want to write an .mcs file directly to FLASH as opposed to a data-only format like .bin, you'll need to strip out the metadata. .mcs files have a short line at the beginning and end that will need to be stripped out. There is a short line every 4097 lines that will also need to be stripped out. The first 9 and last 2 characters of each line also need to be removed.
It's probably worth a quick summary of the write protection on this thing, since it's complicated and not well laid out in the documentation. There are three ways to lock down data - Block Protect, Lock Registers, and Hardware Protect.
Block Protect:
Locks down a large section of the memory. This is non-volatile and will continue to keep data locked after a power cycle. Block Protect is defined by the Top/Bottom bit and BP2, BP1, and BP0 bits in the Status Register. Table 3 in the M25PX16 datasheet shows how they are used to protect different parts of the memory. Note that you can only protect a single contiguous area of the memory that is either at the beginning or end of the memory using Block Protect.
Block Protect is sometimes referred to as Software Protected Mode 2 (SPM2) in the datasheet.
Lock Resisters:
Each sector has a lock register that prevents modification to that sector. The lock registers are volatile and are reset to an unlocked state on powerup. Each lock register contains a Sector Lock Down bit (b1) which prevents modification of the sector when set to 1. It can only be reset to 0 by a powerup.
Each Lock Register contains a Write Lock bit (b0) in addition to the Sector Lock Down bit. When set to 1, the Write Lock bit prevents the Sector Lock Down bit from being set. The Write Lock bit can be cleared by a Write to Lock Register (WRLR) instruction, which will allow you to set the Sector Lock Down bit with a second WRLR instruction.
The Lock Registers are sometimes referred to as Software Protected Mode 1 (SPM1) in the datasheet.
Hardware Protect:
Hardware Protect mode is enabled when the W/Vpp pin on the FLASH is driven to 0, and the Status Register Write Disable (SRWD) bit in the Status Register is set to 1. When it is enabled, the contents of the FLASH cannot be modified and the Status Register cannot be modified. Note that the SRWD bit in the Status Register does nothing without the W/Vpp pin driven low.
There is also the Write Enable (WREN) instruction. Any instruction that modifies the contents of the FLASH memory or its registers must be preceeded by a Write Enable. The Write Enable instruction sets the Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit of the Status Register to 1. The WEL bit is cleared by any instruction that requires it, so you need to set it again with another WREN instruction before doing another instruction that needs a Write Enable.
If I remember anything else I had a particularly tough time finding a simple answer to, I'll post it. Good luck!