It would REALLY be helpful if the Data Sheet said something like "compatible with the MCP2515". I don't know why it doesn't. It would make programming the thing a lot easier.
If you compare Table 11-2 "Control Register Summary" in the MCP2515 manual with Table 4.2 in the MCP25625 manual, you'll find they're identical. As is most of the rest of the manual with obvious substitutions of "2515" to "25625". And the addition of the Transceiver section, but that seems to be it.
The Block Diagram shows the "controller" is completely separate to the Transceiver. You even have to connect the RX and TX pins together externally.
It is an MCP2515. Tell Linux that, and as long as whatever Linux you're using handles the SPI bus properly (and you wire in the interrupts) it should work OK. But probably NOT at high baud rates. The MCP2515 has no buffering. You have to empty message "N" before message "N+1" arrives. At 1MBit/sec the shortest message is 50 bits, so you only have 50us to take the interrupt and then retrieve the message. Which is *SLOW* over an SPI bus, so the interrupt latency has to be a lot shorter than that. You can double this by using the BUKT bit, but then it you will receive messages out of order.
Linux can't guarantee "real time response" and tends to disappear off into the weeds for multiple milliseconds at a time when you'd prefer it to be servicing the hardware. If your device has an MMC card, SD card or USB it may disappear into those drivers for a very long time, and cause you to drop CAN messages. It may not even be able to keep up with 125 kbit/sec CAN. You'd be far better off selecting a micro that has one or more internal CAN controllers plus Linux support.