从下面贴子的回答来说, .fphead是编译器自动产生的,用户不需要理会,也不能人为加。
Assembler directives like .word are covered in the C6000 assembly tools manual. As for .fphead ... I don't think that one is documented anywhere. Even if it were documented, it wouldn't be that useful. The location of fetch packet headers is automatically determined by the assembler. The user cannot directly influence it with a directive or anything else. You see .fphead in disassembly output as a way of representing the information in a fetch packet header.
Think Over Before Asking. http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html#goal
lifei639156 发表于 2020-8-3 11:11 从下面贴子的回答来说, .fphead是编译器自动产生的,用户不需要理会,也不能人为加。
Assembler directives like .word are covered in the C6000 assembly tools manual. As for .fphead ... I don't think that one is documented anywhere. E ...