非在线问答: |
[问:] |
提供样品吗?,最大FLASH是多少。 |
[答:] |
能,目前最大的Flash是16K。 |
[问:] |
1)针对8位机的普及和性能不端提升,而32位机越来越为IC设计师(ARM AMBA)采用和SOLUTION推广,16位机的市场前景有点鸡肋的味道,请问专家,结合R8C/TINY系列,对这一问题如何看待? 2)我是做IC设计的,不知道R8C/TINY在低功耗设计方面(芯片本身)有哪写考虑和突出的亮点?谢谢!! |
[答:] |
1)对于具体应用所选用的MCU,有性能和价格两方面可以参考。因为先进的开发工具及方法,大可不必过于追究位数的多少。就像是不管32位机多流行,遥控器还是主要应用4、8位的机器一样。 2)R8C在低功耗方面的考虑是分两个方面的,即硬件和软件。除了应用先进的半导体工艺保证低功耗外,软件指令还支持一些低功耗的工作状态,具体情况清参考相应型号的手册。 |
[问:] |
1,能否提供开发板 2,每1K的价格大概是多少 3,能否提供样品 |
[答:] |
1)我们全面的参考资料支持客户。 2)请联系最近的销售代表处。 3)可以。同2)。 |
[问:] |
1.该系列芯片中最多有几路A/D?是几位采样? 2.单个管脚最大灌入电流是多大? |
[答:] |
A/D采样的分辨率有10位和12位。具体情况请参考相应型号的硬件手册。 |
[问:] |
1.与同类产品的比较优势?其价位、产能和预计量产时间? 2.能带多大的RAM? 3.能提供LCD支持吗? |
[答:] |
1)我们会提供客户最好的产品和质量。 2)R8C无法直接和外部的SRAM接口(可以用模拟方法实现)。 3)R8C无法直接驱动LCD显示,同上,可以用软件方法实现。 |
[问:] |
16 位R8C/TINY 系列单片机与51系列单片机相比有何优点? 是否需要程序烧结器? 普通产片价位? |
[答:] |
1)速度快、内部功能丰富、可靠性高、效率高。 2)可选择专门儿的烧录器或简易型的。 3)请联系最近的销售代表处。 |
[问:] |
16位R8C/Tiny 系列MCU的性能,特性以及片上调试和开发环境 |
[答:] |
请参考网上的演示资料,其中都有详细地说明。 |
[问:] |
ADC采样频率是多少? |
[答:] |
With sample and hold should be 1MHz or more. Without sample and hold should be 250KHz or more. The ADC working freq under 10MHz. |
[问:] |
ADC的精度与速度有详细的指标吗? |
[答:] |
10bits resolution. With sample ans hold is 59 cycle. Without sample and hold is 33 cycle. The ADC working freq under 10MHz. |
[问:] |
ADC的速度可达到多少? |
[答:] |
10MHz |
[问:] |
flash 可写几次? |
[答:] |
1K for programming area and 10K for data flash area |
[问:] |
How to get the free version C compiler of R8C ? |
[答:] |
The free version of R8C C Complier is M3T-NC8C download from our web. |
[问:] |
Is it suitable for using R8C series as the MCU education course in Univ.? |
[答:] |
Yes, we have a starter kit OAKS8 etc and Renesas on line R8C interactive training course for education. |
[问:] |
Is there electronic training course available for R8C ? |
[答:] |
Yes, Renesas on line R8C interactive training course,http://www.renesasinteractive.com/ |
[问:] |
R8C/11芯片已上市多久了?在杭州有卖吗? |
[答:] |
Pls contact our sale department, contact detail pls refer to our web site. |
[问:] |
R8C/18大约多少钱一片?有没有个大约价位? |
[答:] |
~US2.00, detail pls contact our sale people |
[问:] |
R8C/TINY 有没有贴片封装? |
[答:] |
有。 |
[问:] |
R8C/TINY的开发设备多少钱?它和8088汇编语言兼容吗? |
[答:] |
价钱请联系最近的销售代表处。不和8088指令兼容。 |
[问:] |
R8C/Tiny系列微机在电机拖动控制中应用方便吗?和Ti的DSP相比呢? |
[答:] |
R8C内部有专用于电机驱动的定时器,软件编程简单方便。R8C是通用的MCU,不是DSP。如果想得到技术支持,请联系最近的销售代表处。 |
[问:] |
R8C/Tiny在做数据采集的时候,具体它是怎样?它是怎样解决DAC的转换的? |
[答:] |
R8C具有多路A/D转换通道,可用于数据采集。他没有直接的D/A转换器,但可以用PWM功能实现D/A功能。 |
[问:] |
R8C/TINY中有A/D 蕊片吗? |
[答:] |
R8C/Tiny具有A/D转换功能。 |
[问:] |
R8C系列产品中,有没有计划推出64k flash 及 48PIN的产品?大概是什么时间? |
[答:] |
不可以。 |
[问:] |
R8C中的内部时钟有多少种?是否由PLL产生?它对时钟的要求有多高? |
[答:] |
Depend on the timer type. Pls refer to table 12.1 for Timer mode of X/Y/Z/C in Hardware manual. |
[问:] |
R8C最小封装?最少外围? |
[答:] |
The smallest R8C MCU is a 20 pin count package |
[问:] |
What is the telephone and address of Renesas Hong Kong Office ? How to contact for R8C ? |
[答:] |
Renesas System Solution Asia Pte. Ltd. 7/F.,North Tower,World Finance Centre, Harbour City,Canton Road,Tsimshatsui, Kowloon,Hong Kong. Tel (852) 2265 6688. Pls refer to our web sitehttp://hk.renesas.com/ |
[问:] |
What will be cost for Mask, OTP & Flash IC? When will they be available? |
[答:] |
Pls contact our Sale people |
[问:] |
有没有想过集成USB等与主机接口在片子里 |
[答:] |
It may be one concept for our R8C/ASSP |
[问:] |
比89C2051快吗? |
[答:] |
比89C2051快六倍以上。 |
[问:] |
产品量产后,用何方式烧路经济? |
[答:] |
在线烧录。 |
[问:] |
端口驱动能力如何? |
[答:] |
Driving Capacity high is 15mA(Average)/30mA(Peak), Low is 5mA(Average)/10mA(Peak) |
[问:] |
该机器速度究竟能达到多快? |
[答:] |
目前最高支持20MHz的主时钟频率。 |
[问:] |
该系列产品都有哪些封装形式? |
[答:] |
R8C/10-13 is QFP. The others are SSOP and SDIP |
[问:] |
该系列单片机有几钟型号,封装种类,开发支持工具怎样。能否取得样片。如果设计使用了系列中的一款芯片,能否保证货源。 |
[答:] |
R8C/10-13 is QFP. The others are SSOP and SDIP. The emulator tool is E8/HEW/Fou***/Compact emulator/PC7501. The debugger is HEW/TM/KD30. The intergated enviroment is HEW/TM. The C complier is M3T-NC8C/M3T-NC30WA. The flash programmer is MFW/EPP-I etc. About the supply of R8C, pls contact our sale people. |
[问:] |
贵公司的16位单片机较其他公司的16位单片机有何优势? |
[答:] |
low-cost development tool. Standardization of shared peripheral device. Low-cost. Technical support on web. Simple OS, middleware support. |
[问:] |
含USB接口吗? |
[答:] |
没有。 |
[问:] |
好像主要应用领域是汽车电子,除了本领域外,在医疗仪器或其它工业控制方面应用怎样?他的指令有多少,有几个中断?如何开发应用系统 |
[答:] |
No problem. R8C can be used in Industrial field. R8C has 89 instruction. e.g. R8C/10-13 are 5 ext interrupt, 11 int interrupt and 4 software interrupt. pls refer to our data sheet and application note for development. |
[问:] |
和51/96系列单片机性能对比? |
[答:] |
在相同的外部时钟的情况下,速度会快很多。 |
[问:] |
和其他单片机比较,静态功耗怎样? |
[答:] |
可以应用在电池供电的场合,具体参数请查询相应的硬件参考手册。 |
[问:] |
还与M16C的指令系统兼容? |
[答:] |
因为内核是一样的,所以指令兼容。 |
[问:] |
价位怎样,比AVR的便宜还是贵? |
[答:] |
请联系最近的销售代表处。 |
[问:] |
开发工具及软件全部要多少人民币 |
[答:] |
请联系最近的销售代表处。 |
[问:] |
可有在汽车仪表DASHBOARD的应用案例 |
[答:] |
In this moment, may be no such kind of application |
[问:] |
可在线编程吗? |
[答:] |
可以。 |
[问:] |
每个I/O的最大驱动能力是多少?谢谢 |
[答:] |
可以。 |
[问:] |
每个I/O的最大驱动能力是多少?谢谢 |
[答:] |
Driving Capacity high is 15mA(Average)/30mA(Peak), Low is 5mA(Average)/10mA(Peak) |
[问:] |
免费的C编译器有哪些限制? |
[答:] |
Memory space 64K. Both RAM and ROM data assume the attribute near by default. The far qualifier is ignore. Some option are unable. Detail pls refer our manual. |
[问:] |
内部ADC是几位的,速度又多快? |
[答:] |
10bits resolution. With sample ans hold is 59 cycle. Without sample and hold is 33 cycle. The ADC working freq under 10MHz. |
[问:] |
内部时钟只能是8M,没有其他选择吗? |
[答:] |
8M for high speed. 125KHz forllow speed. And the clock can be divided. Pls refer to Hardware Manual. |
[问:] |
能不能替代AMT2051 |
[答:] |
可以。 |
[问:] |
能否問一下,R8C用KD debug有什麼缺點? |
[答:] |
software break is 2~ 8 points. No hardware break. No Real time trace and time measurment function. |
[问:] |
能跑操作系统吗?象uc/os |
[答:] |
可以跑,但是因为内存很小,所以实际意义不是太大。 |
[问:] |
能提供样品吗 |
[答:] |
能,请联系最近的销售代表处。 |
[问:] |
你的指令周期最快是多少,一条指令要多少时钟周期 |
[答:] |
指令周期最快的是一个时钟周期。所有指令平均需要两个时钟周期。 |
[问:] |
您好:请问如何能直接买到瑞萨公司的产品,谢谢。 |
[答:] |
我们在各地有很多的销售代表处,请联系最近的一个。 |
[问:] |
请介绍ROM的保护功能有那些? |
[答:] |
在进行读的时候,需要校验ID口令。 |
[问:] |
请问,瑞萨16 位R8C/TINY 系列单片机有适用的嵌入操作系统,如VXWORK、NUCLEUS等 |
[答:] |
有操作系统,但不是VxWorks或是Nucleus。 |
[问:] |
请问 有没有片上AD和DA? 是否适用于便携式仪器? |
[答:] |
有片上的A/D,但是没有片上的D/A。如果想实现D/A的功能,可以用PWM功能实现。 |
[问:] |
请问TINY系列单片机在低功耗方面有什么考虑? |
[答:] |
支持低功耗工作状态。 |
[问:] |
请问此款单片机与MSP430单片机区别点处在哪 ? |
[答:] |
R8C using M16C core, Compare to the other MCU, are good noise immunity and small code size, less excution cycle, more protection in operation , flash programming in CPU rewrite mode or Serial I/O more, data flash and POR, LVD queue buffer etc. Pls refer to data sheet for details. |
[问:] |
请问该系列单片机是针对哪方面应用设计的,另外,它的价位是否适合低价格产品的应用,如果想使用此单片机,从哪里能买到你们的产品,开发器价格如何,如果我们想做你们的代理是否可以? |
[答:] |
Home appliances, Security device, Industrial in general, AV/OA Equipment or PC peripherials. Yes, R8C design for low cost application. About the price of development tools/ products and become our agent, pls contact our sale department. |
[问:] |
请问高可靠性闪存在生产时编程是什么意思?不为开发者提供编程平台吗? |
[答:] |
That mean program can be updated or download through the interface. For example, update program using Fou*** connect to the on board R8C UART. We can provide this tool. |
[问:] |
请问贵公司的单片机与其他厂家的16位单片机相比有何优势。 |
[答:] |
low-cost development tool. Standardization of shared peripheral device. Low-cost. Technical support on web. Simple OS, middleware support. |
[问:] |
请问贵公司在成都有办事处吗? |
[答:] |
No. Pls contact us for your support. |
[问:] |
请问和其他同类型的单片机有什么优点。 |
[答:] |
low-cost development tool. Standardization of shared peripheral device. Low-cost. Technical support on web. Simple OS, middleware support. R8C have a POR,LVD and queue buffer etc.. |
[问:] |
请问开发工具的价格怎样! |
[答:] |
Pls contact our sale people |
[问:] |
请问瑞萨16位R8C/TINY系列单片机 的价格在哪个范围? |
[答:] |
请联系最近的销售代表处。我肯会提供客户最好的性能价格比。 |
[问:] |
请问通过什么渠道可以方便的买到R8cTiny系统的芯片和仿真器,谢谢! |
[答:] |
Pls contact our sale people |
[问:] |
请问小型开发一体机大约价位是多少? |
[答:] |
Depend on your product design, R8C MCU arround US2.00 |
[问:] |
请问一套完整版的开发工具要多少钱? |
[答:] |
请联系最近的销售代表处。我肯会提供客户最好的性能价格比。 |
[问:] |
请问有没有在一个美金左右的单片机? |
[答:] |
请联系最近的销售代表处。我肯会提供客户最好的性能价格比。 |
[问:] |
请问专家如何看待16机的市场(和8位,32位机相比)? |
[答:] |
compare to 8 bit and 32 bit MCU, 16 bit should be in middle end market. |
[问:] |
如何获取产品的有关详细资料? |
[答:] |
Pls contact our sale people or visit our web sitehttp://cn.renesas.com/ |
[问:] |
瑞萨16 位R8C/TINY 系列单片机的主要应用领域? |
[答:] |
Home appliances, Security device, Industrial in general, AV/OA Equipment or PC peripherials. Yes, R8C design for low cost application. |
[问:] |
瑞萨16 位R8C/TINY 系列单片机都有哪些特性?谢谢!! |
[答:] |
1. High-performance CPU (16 bits or above), small-package, 20 pins up to 80 pins 2. High-reliability Flash memory (available for programming at the factory and shipping) 3. Standardization of high-performance peripheral devices to reduce system cost 4. Barrier-free with shared items among Series (following) - Low-cost development tool - Standardization of shared peripheral devices - Technical support on Web - Simple OS, middleware support, etc. |
[问:] |
瑞萨16 位R8C/TINY 系列单片机及开发系统价格。今后批量价格如何。 |
[答:] |
请联系最近的销售代表处。我肯会提供客户最好的性能价格比。 |
[问:] |
瑞萨16 位R8C/TINY 系列单片机能不能抗干扰? |
[答:] |
R8C using M16C core, Compare to the other MCU, are good noise immunity. |
[问:] |
瑞萨16 位R8C/TINY 系列单片机是在M16C系列基础上改进的吗?还是M16C系列的简化版? |
[答:] |
M16C PLATFORM, Tiny mean Low-pin-count, name of small-capacity FLASH MCU. It can be said a simple version of M16C. |
[问:] |
瑞萨16 位R8C/TINY 系列单片机有多少个P口 |
[答:] |
Depend on different MCU, for example, R8C/11 is From P1 to P4, 22 lines. |
[问:] |
瑞萨16 位R8C/TINY 系列单片机有多少个中断,多少个定时? |
[答:] |
Depend on different MCU, for example, R8C/10-13 is 5 external interrupts and 3 for the others. Timers are X/Y/Z/C. |
[问:] |
瑞萨16 位R8C/TINY 系列单片机有多少引脚,有什么功能? |
[答:] |
Depend on different MCU, for example R8C/10-13 are QFP 32pins and R8C14-19 are SSOP or SDIP 20pins. R8C14/15 support SSI and R8C16/17 support I2C function. |
[问:] |
瑞萨16 位R8C/TINY 系列单片机有什么封装?可以一一说明吗? |
[答:] |
R8C/10-13 are QFP 32pins and R8C14-19 are SSOP or SDIP 20pins. |
[问:] |
瑞萨16 位R8C/TINY 系列单片机有现货吗?多少个起订?零售价格多少钱个? |
[答:] |
请联系最近的销售代表处。我肯会提供客户最好的性能价格比。 |
[问:] |
瑞萨16 位R8C/TINY 系列单片机支持串口下载到芯片上吗? |
[答:] |
Yes |
[问:] |
瑞萨16 位R8C/TINY 系列单片机主要可以用在什么位置!它的性能稳定么?它的适应能力怎么样? |
[答:] |
Home appliances, Security device, Industrial in general, AV/OA Equipment or PC peripherials. Yes, R8C design for low cost application. R8C using M16C core, Compare to the other MCU, are very stable and good noise immunity |
[问:] |
瑞萨16 位R8C/TINY 系列单片机最高工作频率多少? |
[答:] |
20MHz in this moment |
[问:] |
瑞萨16位R8C/TINY系列单机有什么作用,能否举几个例子说明一下 |
[答:] |
Pls joint our Renesas on line R8C interactive training course,http://www.renesasinteractive.com/ |
[问:] |
瑞萨16位R8C/TINY系列在嵌入式系统中有应用否举例 |
[答:] |
Pls joint our Renesas on line R8C interactive training course,http://www.renesasinteractive.com/ |
[问:] |
瑞萨16位R8C/TINY在系统设计方面有什么特点 |
[答:] |
1. High-performance CPU (16 bits or above), small-package, 20 pins up to 80 pins 2. High-reliability Flash memory (available for programming at the factory and shipping) 3. Standardization of high-performance peripheral devices to reduce system cost 4. Barrier-free with shared items among Series (following) - Low-cost development tool - Standardization of shared peripheral devices - Technical support on Web - Simple OS, middleware support, etc. |
[问:] |
瑞萨单片机对于51单片机有什么优点和特殊的地方?谢谢 |
[答:] |
R8C using M16C core, Compare to the other MCU, are good noise immunity and small code size, less excution cycle, more protection in operation , flash programming in CPU rewrite mode or Serial I/O more, data flash and POR, LVD queue buffer etc. Pls refer to data sheet for details. |
[问:] |
是单指令执行吗? |
[答:] |
CISC instruction sets |
[问:] |
是否有IIC,SPI |
[答:] |
R8C/16-17 has IIC. |
[问:] |
是否支持A/D转换,转换结果是8位还是更高? |
[答:] |
Yes, 10 bits resolution |
[问:] |
速度有多快,有u***,can等接口吗,价格贵不贵,现在市面上能买到吗 |
[答:] |
R8C/20-23 has a CAN bus, but under development. Cannot in this moment. Price arround US2.00 |
[问:] |
它的应用领域和稳定性如何 |
[答:] |
Home appliances, Security device, Industrial in general, AV/OA Equipment or PC peripherials. Yes, R8C design for low cost application. R8C using M16C core, Compare to the other MCU, are very stable and good noise immunity |
[问:] |
它能用于嵌入式系统中吗 |
[答:] |
Yes |
[问:] |
我们用过象8051,AVR,PIC,HOLTEK如果想转入到你们这一类的单片机,在技术上要注意些什么呢? |
[答:] |
One main point is the usage of our development tools |
[问:] |
我们正在找热水器的一款单片机,约20脚,有类似的吗 |
[答:] |
Yes, R8C/14-19 |
[问:] |
我也很关心PWM方面的应用,可不可以提供相关设计电路的案例? |
[答:] |
Yes, Pls contact our application engineer |
[问:] |
我一直用ATMEL的,,不知何它比性能如何?,能提供样品吗? |
[答:] |
R8C using M16C core, Compare to the other MCU, are very stable and good noise immunity, For taking samples, pls contact our sale people. |
[问:] |
小型仿真器的价格 |
[答:] |
请联系最近的销售代表处。我肯会提供客户最好的性能价格比。 |
[问:] |
芯片的价格? 能否发来关于此片子的技术手册? 片内flash的容量? |
[答:] |
Arround US2.00. Pls visit our web sitehttp://cn.renesas.com/flash size are 8K/12K/16K. |
[问:] |
芯片的零售价格是多少?调试、仿真等总体开发环境的价位是多少? |
[答:] |
请联系最近的销售代表处。我肯会提供客户最好的性能价格比。 |
[问:] |
有带D/A模块的产品吗? |
[答:] |
有片上的A/D,但是没有片上的D/A。如果想实现D/A的功能,可以用PWM功能实现。 |
[问:] |
有几个定时器和计数器? |
[答:] |
Timer X/Y/Z are 8 bits and C is 16 bits |
[问:] |
有没有带LCD或OLDE驱动的型号? |
[答:] |
Later |
[问:] |
有软件的支持吗?(例如操作系统,开发包等) |
[答:] |
Yes, for example, Smalight OS |
[问:] |
有休眠模式吗?10M osc时功耗多少? |
[答:] |
Yes, R8C have wait mode(Vcc = 3V, 35uA) and stop mode(Vcc = 3V 0.7uA). It also can normal running at 10MHz(Vcc =3V, 5mA) and at 20MHz(Vcc=5V, 9mA) |
[问:] |
与一般的51单片机有什么特别之处? |
[答:] |
R8C using M16C core, Compare to the other MCU, are good noise immunity and small code size, less excution cycle, more protection in operation , flash programming in CPU rewrite mode or Serial I/O more, data flash and POR, LVD queue buffer etc. Pls refer to data sheet for details. |
[问:] |
與PIC芯片進行比較有何優勢? |
[答:] |
R8C using M16C core, Compare to the other MCU, are good noise immunity and small code size, less excution cycle, more protection in operation , flash programming in CPU rewrite mode or Serial I/O more, data flash and POR, LVD, queue buffer etc. Pls refer to data sheet for details. |
[问:] |
约4k 20pin 的单片机与PIC 同类型的相比,价格如何,100~500片的供货问题如何? |
[答:] |
请联系最近的销售代表处。我肯会提供客户最好的性能价格比。 |
[问:] |
在线调试器的价格如何? |
[答:] |
About US100 |
[问:] |
这一款单片机可以做数据采集? |
[答:] |
Depend on your design. Any type of R8C can do this application. |
[问:] |
最多能支持多少路ADC? |
[答:] |
R8C/11-12 have ADC 10 bits X 12ch. |