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communication_dma -- 使用DMA进行传输 communication_int -- 使用中断进行传输 communication_poll -- 使用轮寻的方式传输 eeprom -- eeprom 使用示例 关于I2C传输数据的流程,官方已经封装了一个应用层,用户无需再关心数据传输流程,只需要调用相关接口初始化I2C,然后再调用相关接口传输数据即可,在以下两个文件中: i2c_application.c i2c_application.h i2c_config -- 调用此函数初始化I2C i2c_lowlevel_init -- 用户实现这个函数,完成I2C底层初始化,例如初始化GPIO、时钟、中断、DMA等 i2c_master_transmit -- 主机发送数据-轮询方式 i2c_master_receive -- 主机接收数据-轮询方式 i2c_slave_transmit -- 从机发送数据-轮询方式 i2c_slave_receive -- 从机接收数据-轮询方式 i2c_master_transmit_int -- 主机发送数据-中断方式 i2c_master_receive_int -- 主机接收数据-中断方式 i2c_slave_transmit_int -- 从机发送数据-中断方式 i2c_slave_receive_int -- 从机接收数据-中断方式 i2c_master_transmit_dma -- 主机发送数据-DMA方式 i2c_master_receive_dma -- 主机接收数据-DMA方式 i2c_slave_transmit_dma -- 从机发送数据-DMA方式 i2c_slave_receive_dma -- 从机接收数据-DMA方式 i2c_memory_write -- 写数据到EEPROM-轮询方式 i2c_memory_write_int -- 写数据到EEPROM-中断方式 i2c_memory_write_dma -- 写数据到EEPROM-DMA方式 i2c_memory_read -- 从EEPROM读数据-轮询方式 i2c_memory_read_int -- 从EEPROM读数据-中断方式 i2c_memory_read_dma -- 从EEPROM读数据-DMA方式 我们对communication_dma例程代码进行举例分析 1. 首先实现i2c_lowlevel_init函数,实现I2C的底层初始化 void i2c_lowlevel_init(i2c_handle_type* hi2c) { gpio_init_type gpio_initstructure; if(hi2c->i2cx == I2Cx_PORT) { /* i2c periph clock enable */ crm_periph_clock_enable(I2Cx_CLK, TRUE); crm_periph_clock_enable(I2Cx_SCL_GPIO_CLK, TRUE); crm_periph_clock_enable(I2Cx_SDA_GPIO_CLK, TRUE); /* gpio configuration */ gpio_initstructure.gpio_out_type = GPIO_OUTPUT_OPEN_DRAIN; gpio_initstructure.gpio_pull = GPIO_PULL_UP; gpio_initstructure.gpio_mode = GPIO_MODE_MUX; gpio_initstructure.gpio_drive_strength = GPIO_DRIVE_STRENGTH_MODERATE; /* configure i2c pins: scl */ gpio_initstructure.gpio_pins = I2Cx_SCL_PIN; gpio_init(I2Cx_SCL_GPIO_PORT, &gpio_initstructure); /* configure i2c pins: sda */ gpio_initstructure.gpio_pins = I2Cx_SDA_PIN; gpio_init(I2Cx_SDA_GPIO_PORT, &gpio_initstructure); /* configure and enable i2c dma channel interrupt */ nvic_irq_enable(I2Cx_DMA_TX_IRQn, 0, 0); nvic_irq_enable(I2Cx_DMA_RX_IRQn, 0, 0); /* i2c dma tx and rx channels configuration */ /* enable the dma clock */ crm_periph_clock_enable(I2Cx_DMA_CLK, TRUE); /* i2c dma channel configuration */ dma_reset(hi2c->dma_tx_channel); dma_reset(hi2c->dma_rx_channel); hi2c->dma_tx_channel = I2Cx_DMA_TX_CHANNEL; hi2c->dma_rx_channel = I2Cx_DMA_RX_CHANNEL; dma_default_para_init(&hi2c->dma_init_struct); hi2c->dma_init_struct.peripheral_inc_enable = FALSE; hi2c->dma_init_struct.memory_inc_enable = TRUE; hi2c->dma_init_struct.peripheral_data_width = DMA_PERIPHERAL_DATA_WIDTH_BYTE; hi2c->dma_init_struct.memory_data_width = DMA_MEMORY_DATA_WIDTH_BYTE; hi2c->dma_init_struct.loop_mode_enable = FALSE; hi2c->dma_init_struct.priority = DMA_PRIORITY_LOW; hi2c->dma_init_struct.direction = DMA_DIR_MEMORY_TO_PERIPHERAL; dma_init(hi2c->dma_tx_channel, &hi2c->dma_init_struct); dma_init(hi2c->dma_rx_channel, &hi2c->dma_init_struct); i2c_init(hi2c->i2cx, I2C_FSMODE_DUTY_2_1, I2Cx_SPEED); i2c_own_address1_set(hi2c->i2cx, I2C_ADDRESS_MODE_7BIT, I2Cx_ADDRESS); } } 2. 实现中断函数 void I2Cx_DMA_RX_IRQHandler(void) { i2c_dma_rx_irq_handler(&hi2cx); } void I2Cx_DMA_TX_IRQHandler(void) { i2c_dma_tx_irq_handler(&hi2cx); } 3.调用i2c_config初始化i2c,调用i2c_master_transmit_dma、i2c_slave_receive_dma进行数据收发 int main(void) { i2c_status_type i2c_status; /* config nvic priority group */ nvic_priority_group_config(NVIC_PRIORITY_GROUP_4); system_clock_config(); at32_board_init(); hi2cx.i2cx = I2Cx_PORT; i2c_config(&hi2cx); while(1) { #if defined (MASTER_BOARD) /* wait for key USER_BUTTON press before starting the communication */ while(at32_button_press() != USER_BUTTON) { } /* start the request reception process */ if((i2c_status = i2c_master_transmit_dma(&hi2cx, I2Cx_ADDRESS, tx_buf, BUF_SIZE, I2C_TIMEOUT)) != I2C_OK) { error_handler(i2c_status); } /* wait for the communication to end */ if(i2c_wait_end(&hi2cx, I2C_TIMEOUT) != I2C_OK) { error_handler(i2c_status); } delay_ms(10); /* start the request reception process */ if((i2c_status = i2c_master_receive_dma(&hi2cx, I2Cx_ADDRESS, rx_buf, BUF_SIZE, I2C_TIMEOUT)) != I2C_OK) { error_handler(i2c_status); } /* wait for the communication to end */ if(i2c_wait_end(&hi2cx, I2C_TIMEOUT) != I2C_OK) { error_handler(i2c_status); } if(buffer_compare(tx_buf, rx_buf, BUF_SIZE) == 0) { at32_led_on(LED3); } else { error_handler(i2c_status); } #else /* wait for key USER_BUTTON press before starting the communication */ while(at32_button_press() != USER_BUTTON) { } /* start the transmission process */ if((i2c_status = i2c_slave_receive_dma(&hi2cx, rx_buf, BUF_SIZE, I2C_TIMEOUT)) != I2C_OK) { error_handler(i2c_status); } /* wait for the communication to end */ if(i2c_wait_end(&hi2cx, I2C_TIMEOUT) != I2C_OK) { error_handler(i2c_status); } if((i2c_status = i2c_slave_transmit_dma(&hi2cx, tx_buf, BUF_SIZE, I2C_TIMEOUT)) != I2C_OK) { error_handler(i2c_status); } /* wait for the communication to end */ if(i2c_wait_end(&hi2cx, I2C_TIMEOUT) != I2C_OK) { error_handler(i2c_status); } if(buffer_compare(tx_buf, rx_buf, BUF_SIZE) == 0) { at32_led_on(LED3); } else { error_handler(i2c_status); } #endif } } |
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