RTTV4.04.使用stduio+cube配置。 配置TIM3正常使用,使用TIM1卡死在rt_thread_mdelay延时处。 rt_thread_mdelay延时的时钟使用SYS或者TIM6都卡在这。 怀疑是优先级的问题,更改TIM1定时器优先级最低也没有用。 board。h中定义
#define BSP_USING_TIM #ifdef BSP_USING_TIM #define BSP_USING_TIM1 #ifdef BSP_USING_TIM1 #ifndef TIM1_CONFIG #define TIM1_CONFIG { .tim_handle.Instance = TIM1, .tim_irqn = TIM1_UP_TIM10_IRQn, .name = "timer1", } #endif /* TIM1_CONFIG/ #endif /TIM1_CONFIG/ #define BSP_USING_TIM3 #ifdef BSP_USING_TIM3 #ifndef TIM3_CONFIG #define TIM3_CONFIG { .tim_handle.Instance = TIM3, .tim_irqn = TIM3_IRQn, .name = "timer3", } #endif /TIM3_CONFIG/ #endif /BSP_USING_TIM3 */ 官方例程只改了设备名
- Copyright (c) 2006-2021, RT-Thread Development Team
- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- Change Logs:
- Date Author Notes
- 2021-12-21 Administrator the first version
/ /
- 程序清单:这是一个 hwtimer 设备使用例程
- 例程导出了 hwtimer_sample 命令到控制终端
- 命令调用格式:hwtimer_sample
- 程序功能:硬件定时器超时回调函数周期性的打印当前tick值,2次tick值之差换算为时间等同于定时时间值。
/ #include #include #define HWTIMER_DEV_NAME "timer1" /定时器名称/ /定时器超时回调函数 */ static rt_err_t timeout_cb(rt_device_t dev, rt_size_t size) { rt_kprintf("this is hwtimer timeout callback fucntion!\n"); rt_kprintf("tick is :%d !\n", rt_tick_get()); return 0; } static int hwtimer_sample(int argc, charargv[]) { rt_err_t ret = RT_EOK; rt_hwtimerval_t timeout_s; /定时器超时值/ rt_device_t hw_dev = RT_NULL; /定时器设备句柄/ rt_hwtimer_mode_t mode; /定时器模式/ /查找定时器设备/ hw_dev = rt_device_find(HWTIMER_DEV_NAME); if (hw_dev == RT_NULL) { rt_kprintf("hwtimer sample run failed! can't find %s device!\n", HWTIMER_DEV_NAME); return RT_ERROR; } /以读写方式打开设备/ ret = rt_device_open(hw_dev, RT_DEVICE_OFLAG_RDWR); if (ret != RT_EOK) { rt_kprintf("open %s device failed!\n", HWTIMER_DEV_NAME); return ret; } /设置超时回调函数/ rt_device_set_rx_indicate(hw_dev, timeout_cb); /设置模式为周期性定时器/ mode = HWTIMER_MODE_PERIOD; ret = rt_device_control(hw_dev, HWTIMER_CTRL_MODE_SET, &mode); if (ret != RT_EOK) { rt_kprintf("set mode failed! ret is :%d\n", ret); return ret; } /设置定时器超时值为5s并启动定时器/ timeout_s.sec = 5; /秒/ timeout_s.usec = 0; /微秒/ if (rt_device_write(hw_dev, 0, &timeout_s, sizeof(timeout_s)) != sizeof(timeout_s)) { rt_kprintf("set timeout value failed\n"); return RT_ERROR; } /延时3500ms/ rt_thread_mdelay(3500); /读取定时器当前值/ rt_device_read(hw_dev, 0, &timeout_s, sizeof(timeout_s)); rt_kprintf("Read: Sec = %d, Usec = %d\n", timeout_s.sec, timeout_s.usec); return ret; } /导出到 msh 命令列表中 */ MSH_CMD_EXPORT(hwtimer_sample, hwtimer sample); debug定位卡死在这里,搜了一下是硬件错误卡这里了。
- [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=2666770]@Brief[/url] This is the code that gets called when the processor receives an
unexpectedinterrupt. This simply enters an infinite loop, preserving
thesystemstateforexaminationbya debugger.
- [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=3142012]@param[/url] None
- @retval None
*/ .section .text.Default_Handler,"ax",%progbits Default_Handler: Infinite_Loop: b Infinite_Loop .size Default_Handler, .-Default_Handler