1. First Create a directory on the c: drive (even if you install maya on different drive)
2. Copy the aw.dat and awkeygen.exe file to this directory.
3. Install Maya
4. Goto start-->all programs-->Autodesk-->common utilities-->FlexLM license utilities
5. Under system settings copy Ethernet address
6. Open the file (from the directory FLEXLM) aw.dat with Wordpad and replace the words "your
with the copied Ethernet address. Save and close wordpad
7. Using the run utility and type: awkeygen.exe aw.dat
8. Goto start-->all programs-->Autodesk-->Maya 2008-->Licensing
select "I would like to install license from a file"
9. Browse to the path of the file aw.dat
10. Click install
11. Restart computer
Start at Step 3.
Your license (default) dir is /var/flexlm
so copy the generated aw.dat (you did that on a windows machine in dos)
into that directory.
Your license (default) dir is /var/flexlm
so copy the generated aw.dat (you did that on a windows machine in dos)
into that directory.
1. 首先在 C: 下创建一个名为 FLEXLM 的资料夹;
2. aw.dat 和 awkeygen.exe 拷贝 到 FLEXLM 的资料夹下;
3. 安装MAYA。MAYA 对安装路径没有任何要求; (已经安装了也可以)
4. 点选开始-->所有程序-->Autodesk-->common utilities-->FlexLM license utilities;
5. 转到“system settings”选项卡,拷贝“Ethernet address”项后面的字串;
6. 使用文本编辑工具如记事本打开 FLEXLM 的资料夹下的 aw.dat,将“host=”后面的内容替换为刚才拷
贝的“Ethernet address”后的字串,保存并关闭;
7. 开始-->运行-->C:FLEXLMawkeygen.exe aw.dat (这步很重要 你复制进去 运行后 画面就闪一下就好
8. 转到开始-->所有程序-->Autodesk-->Autodesk Maya 2008-->Licensing
选择“I have a license that I need to install”
选择“I would like to install license from a file”
9. 浏览到档案 aw.dat;
10. 单击安装 完了就可以直接用 不用重启