本文介绍两种LVDS数传接口:GMSL和FPD Link,这两种接口在汽车视频传输方面的应用是比较广泛的,尤其是Camera和处理器之间的链路,通过STP或者同轴电缆能使整个链路达到15m。
1、FPD Link
Flat Panel Display Link(FPD Link)最早是National Semi提出来的一种处理器和LCD Panels之间的高速数字接口,目前已经发展到FPD Link III了。
第一代的FPD Link可以参见NS的AN1032中的介绍(The FPD Link (Flat Panel Display Link) chipset is a family of interface devices specifically configured to support data transmission from graphics controller to LCD panels. The technology employed, LVDS (Low Voltage Differential Signaling), is ideal for high speed, low power data transfer. This enables the implementation of high end displays such as SVGA (800 x 600) and XGA (1024 x 768). )
第二代FPD Link II可以参见TI的AN1087中的介绍(TI’s FPD-Link II family of embedded clock LVDS SerDes provide enhanced features, and improved signal quality over prior generations of FPD-Link SerDes devices for Display applications. FPD-Link II embeds the clock in the data signal and therefore uses only one differential pair to transmit both the clock and video data. This further reduces the size, weight, and cost of cables for infotainment and safety camera applications. )
第三代FPD Link III(FPD Link III's major feature is embedding a bidirectional communication channel on the same differential pair. This bidirectional channel transfers control signals between source and destination in addition to the clock and streaming video data. Therefore, FPD Link III even further reduces cable cost by eliminating cables for control channels such as I2C and CAN bus. )
Gigabit Multimedia Serial Links (GMSL)是Maxim公司推出的一种高速串行接口,适用于视频、音频和控制信号的传输,使用50Ω同轴电缆或100Ω屏蔽双绞线(STP)电缆时的距离可达15m或更长。
常用的支持FPD Link的摄像头有Leopard Imaging公司的TI FPD-Link III系列。支持GMSL的摄像头有Leopard Imaging公司的Maxim GMSL/GMSL2系列。除此之外还有D3 Engineering、Appro Photoelectron Inc.、舜宇等厂家也有类似的Camera Module。
除此之外还有日本THine Electronics, Inc.提出的V-by-One HS等LVDS接口,Appro Photoelectron Inc.就有相应的产品。
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