超冷原子在光晶格中量子输运的计算:In this reference we present det
ails of the calculation in our paper \K. Hende
rson, H. Kelkar, B.
Gu ti¶errez-Medina, T. C. Li, M. G. Raizen. Experimental study of the role of atom icin ter actions on quantum transp ort. Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 150401(2006) ". We calculate the dipole potential and band structure of sodium atoms in an optical lattice. We also calculate the evolution of atomic distribution in an optical lattice with a single-part icle band theory. The calculated expansion velocities and density pro¯les are in excellent agreement with the experimental results of thermal atoms. They also agree with the experimental result of Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) atoms in low well depth. For high well depth, however, the expansion of BEC is slower than the single- particle prediction, indicating the importance of interactions on quantum transport.
Gu ti¶errez-Medina, T. C. Li, M. G. Raizen. Experimental study of the role of atom icin ter actions on quantum transp ort. Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 150401(2006) ". We calculate the dipole potential and band structure of sodium atoms in an optical lattice. We also calculate the evolution of atomic distribution in an optical lattice with a single-part icle band theory. The calculated expansion velocities and density pro¯les are in excellent agreement with the experimental results of thermal atoms. They also agree with the experimental result of Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) atoms in low well depth. For high well depth, however, the expansion of BEC is slower than the single- particle prediction, indicating the importance of interactions on quantum transport.
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