恩智浦半导体(NXP Semiconductors)近日宣布,其TV550平台现已可直接支援60Hz的21:9显示萤幕。恩智浦将于1月于美国内华达州拉斯维加斯举行的2010年国际消费电子展(CES)上,在现场展示21:9的显示萤幕播放多段高画质电影,逐一展现TV550支援的各种应用,例如“ 真实尺寸(True size)”的全萤幕电影等。此外,恩智浦还将展示如何利用16:9高画质影像两旁的萤幕空间提供萤幕接口附加工具集(Widgets)、即时新闻(Newsfeeds)、天气预报,以及视讯点播(Video on Demand)等网络互动应用功能。
恩智浦半导体数位电视系统产品行销总监Vincent Vermeer先生表示︰“ 21:9宽萤幕电视为电视OEM厂商提供了新颖有趣的差异化,不仅能让消费者在客厅尽情享受萤幕尺寸接近电影院萤幕的精采电影,同时为电视上的其他应用创造更多空间。TV550平台让电视制造商仅需使用单一整合芯片即可制造出21:9的宽萤幕显示器,这有助于21:9电视在不久的将来价格更加亲民,进而普及到每一位消费者。”
The TV550 combines front-end video processing functions, such as DVB-T channel decoding, MPEG-2/H.264 decode,analogvideo decode and HDMI reception, withadvanced back-end videopicture improvements. It also includes next generation Motion AccuratePicture Processing (MAPP2). The MAPP2 technology provides state-of-the-art motion artifact reduction with movie juddercancellation, motion sharpness and vivid colormanagement. High flat panel screen resolutions and refresh rates are supported with formats including 1366 × 768 @ 100Hz/120Hz and 1920 × 1080 @ 100Hz/120Hz. The combination ofEthernet, CI+ and H.264 opens many possibilities for new TV experiences with IPTV or VOD. On top of that, optional support is available for 2D dimming in combination withLEDbacklights for optimum contrast and power savings up to 50%.
The TV550 addresses a wide range of digital television requirements for the European, North American and Asian markets. The TV550 system is available in two different versions: with the MAPP2 technology (PNX85507) for mainstream TV sets and without the MAPP2 technology (PNX85502) to provide an effective BOM for lower-end systems.